Is there a VR Headset that can I can use with my glasses?


Mar 28, 2017
Id like to play some VR Games and just experience it in general, but my concern is how good is my graphics card at running VR games and can I wear prescription glasses with the headset. I haven't had the chance to test any VR Headset to see if its possible for me to use my glasses while wearing the headset. My glasses are about the size of Ray bans.

Thats pretty much what they look like.
My PC's specs (BTW Im still new to the PC Master race)
i5 Core 6500 3.2GHz
Gigabyte Z170P SLI 3466MHz Motherboard
2x 8GB Cosair Vengeance LED DDR4 3000MHz Ram Sticks
GeForce GTX 1070 Founders Edition 8GB Graphics Card
So far on my video card ive been able to run all my games at the highest settings NO PROBLEM. The box said it was VR Ready but I dont know how good it willl run VR games. Any recommendations and suggestion would really be appreciated!. Right now I dont have a budget for the headset or any other hardware i might need. Im just trying to see what options I have for later when I decide to buy one if I can. I don't know if it matters or not but this was a prebuilt PC originally with:
Vishera Hexa Core 6300 Processor
Gigabyte MicroATX 78LMT-S2 Motherboard
2x 4GB DDR3 Ram sticks (I have no idea what brand name)
Radeon R7 250 2GB Graphics Card.
My windows 10 64 bit is active and everything is running fine (to my knowledge) expect I noticed, in the Boot menu (F12 key option) I think its called, my system memory was running 2100 MHz instead of the 3000MHz. I put them in the correct spot according the motherboards instruction manual. It did read all 16GBs of ram i had but not the speeds it should be running at. Maybe I was looking at the wrong thing I honestly dont know but a little help with that would also be appreciated!! Thank You!
With glasses it's not going to be possible since it's a full face thing with little room in front of your eyes.
Your rig is perfectly fine for VR though.
Don't buy based off marketing fluff next time though, the 1070 FE thermal throttles at higher loads and has less than optimal cooling and clock speeds.
You'll probably have to try the headsets out in person to make sure the glasses fit. I don't think they'd fit in an Oculus Rift (though I can't say for sure), chances are better in an HTC Vive, and then who knows with the upcoming Microsoft partnered headsets.

My glasses do fit in my Oculus Rift, though I usually just use contact lenses anyway. There isn't much room to spare for larger glasses though, which is why I doubt yours would fit.
Well I was actually planning to buy an RX 480 but I figured I should go ahead and buy something I knew I would upgrade to later. So I went to best buy (maybe not the best decision) and all the PC guys that were working there recommended to go with Nvidia and get a GTX 1070. The Founders Edition was on sale so thats what they said I should go for.