Is this a Good Gaming Laptop


If you are sure you want to pay the premium for a high end laptop, the specs on the one you linked are fine. Any system with a 980M video card is good for gaming with.
Although MSI is the only recognizable brand name that actually "makes" a laptop as opposed to buying it from an OEM I thing you could do better having one custom built to your specs from a Clevo distributor.

CLEVO is a large Taiwanese computer company specializing in laptops. While the Clevo brand name is perhaps not widely known, their products are re-branded and sold by known boutique brand OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers; notably Sager, VoodooPC, Falcon Northwest, Eurocom, etc. They are also considered (by whoever knows about notebooks) to design and manufacturer the best of the best notebooks in terms of superior build quality and innovative designs.

Been getting ours here for lat 5 years


sorry, but i really didnt want to go through all the customization and stuff.. i wanted something i can just pick up at the store
What happens at the store is this:

A laptop is put on a shelf with a placard that tells you it has an Intel Processor ... knowing that most store customers will walk in see Intel and say "Oh that's good, I heard of Intel, then it will say GFX card and xx GB of memory... and usually that's about it ... in order to make the price attractive and have the highest profit margin, the rest of the components will be low budget options, that ... if ya had the choice, you would have invested $5 - $15 in upgrading many of them.

With a custom build, you get a bare bones machine, then you decide:

a) Do I wanna spend $XX for a better processor ?
b) Do I want the 970M or spend an extra $xx for the 980M ?
c) Do I want that slow 5400 rpm HD or do I want a fast 7200 rpm unit ?
d) Do I want the base 8 GB or 16 GB for $xx
e) Do I want the ow budget WiFi or spend $5 for the good Intel one ?
f) Do I want an OS installed or not ?
g) Do I want normal delivery or spend $xx for it to come faster ?

That's pretty much it. Tho if you are going to buy a store bought unit, MSI is the ONLY one on the shelves that was made by the company whose name is on the box.

If you are sure you want to pay the premium for a high end laptop, the specs on the one you linked are fine. Any system with a 980M video card is good for gaming with.