Hi, I want to get myself a laptop, and I've searched the internet for quite a while. I stumbled upon this offer.
The price is 3000 PLN which is around 860USD/720EUR/640GBP. Is this good enough?
It has been used for half a year, and is still on warranty until May 2019. Here are the specs:
CPU : Intel Core i5-6200U
GPU : Intel HD Graphics 520 / AMD Radeon R7 M360 2GB
RAM : 16 GB
SCREEN : Full HD 14 inch
Are there better choices in this price range?
Thank you for your answers.
The price is 3000 PLN which is around 860USD/720EUR/640GBP. Is this good enough?
It has been used for half a year, and is still on warranty until May 2019. Here are the specs:
CPU : Intel Core i5-6200U
GPU : Intel HD Graphics 520 / AMD Radeon R7 M360 2GB
RAM : 16 GB
SCREEN : Full HD 14 inch
Are there better choices in this price range?
Thank you for your answers.