When it comes to games, computers like that are only good for games like Plants vs Zombies. Don't do it to yourself.
As asked, what's your spending limit? Does it have to be a laptop, because gaming on a laptop is inherently more expensive than on a desktop, not to mention you can't do much to upgrade a laptop.

I reference the above laptop to make a point. That Dell is the cheapest
gaming laptop on the website you linked. The very next laptop jumps in price to a $950 Asus (only spec difference is 4gb more RAM), and that's an open box sale.
What I learned researching your question is:
1) Don't look for a gaming laptop on that website. Too much money, too few options. Newegg gives you more choices to compare.
2) I don't play Fortnite, but my son does. Your hardware will greatly affect how good you can be in the game. My son's kill count immediately went up after he went from my old (good) laptop to a new desktop with a Ryzen 5 and a GTX1060. He didn't suddenly become skilled. The stronger hardware elevated his game over (most) console and budget laptop players.
Tell us how much you can spend. And know that streaming along with playing modern games will require some power. Oh, and would you be willing to go the desktop route if it could get you better hardware for the same money.