Is this laptop suitable for Sims 3?


Jun 23, 2015
It is a refurbished ASUS Flip 2-in-1 Touchscreen laptop priced at $399. I want to know if I could play Sims 3 and some of its expansion packs at most on medium settings. Here are its specs

4th gen Intel Core i3-4030U 1.9ghz
6 GB RAM 5400 rpm
Intel HD 4400 Graphics
500 GB Hard drive

Perhaps I am asking too much but could it run Sims 4 at all? If so, at what settings?
It should be fine for playing the Sims 3. I have seen it played on low settings on a Core i5-2410m with the slower Intel HD 3000 graphics core at 1366x768 resolution. You should be able to play it on medium settings (maybe a mix of medium and high) at that resolution without any problems.

For Sims 4 you are likely looking at low graphic settings.
It should be fine for playing the Sims 3. I have seen it played on low settings on a Core i5-2410m with the slower Intel HD 3000 graphics core at 1366x768 resolution. You should be able to play it on medium settings (maybe a mix of medium and high) at that resolution without any problems.

For Sims 4 you are likely looking at low graphic settings.
You will struggle.

You will need a decent gaming laptop to be able to run the Sims games; those that haven't played the Sims think it does not require much, but really, they need a proper gaming laptop or desktop that either has an NVidia or AMD graphics card. :)