It's Now Legal to Crack Your PC Games

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[citation][nom]mdbrotha03[/nom]thought that was Star Trek[/citation]

it is lol. SC has plenty of quotes but this is not one of them. This is a klingon saying when going into battle.
So how does this work with the iLok?

I have an iLok that protects my ProTools but I lost it. It says that dongles that prevent use when damaged may be circumvented.

Indeed, if damaged(or lost) it would prevent use of ProTools. Can I legally circumvent it?
@1 - no Blu-ray or other HD? typical... on the other hand big plus for the YouTube folks
@2 - ok
@3 - I didn't knew that was illegal
@4 - you can create cracks for yourself but can't upload or download them from the internet
@5 - this one is great. Is a game dvd considered a obsolete hardware dongle and why you need to damage it to crack games you bought?
@6 - good to know :)
Any way i live in Poland and we got these and more fair use right in 1994.
[citation][nom]mackinator[/nom]but it does punish legal owners. and its not there to stop pirates, its there to profit, thats the core of any real business[/citation]

Not sure I agree at all. If you have the legal software how are you 'punished'?
[citation][nom]aznguy0028[/nom]woo is a good day!... (to die) [starcraft pun][/citation]

Today is a good day to learn thats a Star Trek pun before it was Starcraft
Now we just need to find a program that can emulate EVERY DRM scheme. I still have not found one that will copy BF2142(Outdated but fun) and allow you to mount it and play. If someone has found a program that will, drop me a line. Have purchased Alcohol 120% w/no success and have also tried DVD Decrypter.
What about MP3s? Is it still "illegal" to make your own ringtone from a song or convert a CD to MP3s? A lot of this is common sense stuff. I'm sure game companies will try to find ways to prevent cracks though.

On a semi-related note, I recently went to gamecopyworld for the first time in maybe years, and it's more infected with viruses than a two dollar hooker. The very act of visiting the site got me infected with a virus that installed fake spyware and circumvented the worthless UAC and my anti-virus blockers on my computer.
4. Why would I want to fix the games I payed for, for free for Ubisoft when they treat us like sh** ?

So when I buy a new game by say 2013 and the dvd is buggered like with Ubisoft poor quality dvd media, I can then download a torrent when Ubisoft fails to provide me with a working copy of what I payed for and walmart only has bad defective dvd's like I purchased and use my payed for cd key without getting in trouble with the law ?

Or is this still illegal to get a working copy of what I payed for ?

Been there had to do that and maybe got a few viruses.
[citation][nom]HavoCnMe[/nom]Now we just need to find a program that can emulate EVERY DRM scheme. I still have not found one that will copy BF2142(Outdated but fun) and allow you to mount it and play. If someone has found a program that will, drop me a line. Have purchased Alcohol 120% w/no success and have also tried DVD Decrypter.[/citation]

Daemontools might or get a nocd download to fix this and use your product.
Can not remember when last alcohol 120% worked on what I payed for.
Well, just because somethings legal, that doesn't mean the company is required to support their product after it's been manipulated.

So, if you jailbreak your iPhone, you can kiss your apple warranty/support goodbye.
[citation][nom]mackinator[/nom]but it does punish legal owners. and its not there to stop pirates, its there to profit, thats the core of any real business[/citation]

Yup correct it is only there to keep a 3 year old illiterate child from piracy and to irritate the heck out of us who pays for this junk they call games now-a-days.

Pirates will do what there is a need for to show the stupidity of DRM / game developer company's that does not give a sh** about their customers or what they are doing to their customers.

DRM company's pay pirates to hype up sales for their junk just like the DRM MW2 bogus that caused so much interest in the MW2 junk, so they will turn a blind eye to piracy.

Free news / publicity that would have cost'd $50milj. for free = good deal.

Where is the stats of the 20milj. copies of MW2 that was illegally downloaded how much of those fools ended up paying for their MW2 junk, 50% 75% more ?
[citation][nom]welshmousepk[/nom]this could be the greatest news i have heard in a decade. I had been worried about cracking the DRM in some of my games, but this makes it so much easier. hopefully, this will sort Ubisoft out... does this also mean that game accounts cannot be banned for bypassing DRM though? i wonder, it probably could not be covered by law. I would like to crack Splinter cell conviction, but certainly don't want to get my Ubi account banned. the same goes for MW2..[/citation]

To get banned by Ubisoft just mention the word "download" to their support when asking for a fix for a bug and you will be labeled a hacker and pirate even if you payed for and downloaded it from steam or d2d.
[citation][nom]snotling[/nom]irrelevant, Apple can still try to lock up their device as much as they want and still refuse you support if you have broken into it (or out of it)But they can't sue you for doing so. that the only thing that has changed on this front.[/citation]

Apple is above the law so no chance of winning against them. Also they know what judges to buy / bribe or the ones not yet on their payroll.
(1) Motion pictures on DVDs that are lawfully made and acquired and that are protected by the Content Scrambling System when circumvention is accomplished solely in order to accomplish the incorporation of short portions of motion pictures into new works for the purpose of criticism or comment, and where the person engaging in circumvention believes and has reasonable grounds for believing that circumvention is necessary to fulfill the purpose of the use in the following instances:
(i) Educational uses by college and university professors and by college and university film and media studies students;
(ii) Documentary filmmaking;
(iii) Noncommercial videos

What I don't get about this is why didn't they just say motion pictures?
Why only DVDs? It doesn't make sense that it doesn't include other types of media. It should be all lawfully made and acquired media, Bluray, VHS, TV shows DVRed, etc.
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