Just bought the ASUS TP550LA - IT NEVER WORKED!!


Jul 20, 2015
I have had a problem the minute I bought it. The battery did not work, and I tried to send back to receive a "new" one and Walmart said sorry, cant return after 14 days and ASUS that Walmart has to take it back. They will only repair.. After paying $550.00 on sale for this laptop that three IT Tech's said it was a great product, WELL I WILL NEVER RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE.... ASUS DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR USERS.
Not sure what the issue it. You have the problem the minute you bought it, didn't return it after 14 days?
Now you can't return it, and since it under warranty, ASUS have to repair it.

Did you bought it with a credit card? some of them have extended return period.
I thought I could get it to work, it being a brand I wasn't familiar with, my bad. I had 90 day return policy with warranty, they would not help... I bought with credit card.. Will never buy another