Language support on MP3 players




I am tempting to buy a mp3 player, but there is a matter which makes me hasitate to go for it. I am using a Chinese system(Tradition Chinese) at home, so about half of my mp3 files are named in Chinese filename, and I know files with Chinese filename aren't able to be read in English system. Therefore, I am wondering if anyone here has this kind of experience and I thank you if you could post it here. Also, If the ID3 tag is in Chinese, will it be displayed correctly in the mp3 player.

Thanks so much for bearing with my poor english.
; )
Hi Snake,

Your English is good! Thanks for bearing with my poor Chinese (I don't speak Chinese)!

Are you considering CD/MP3 players? The new Rio Volt SP-250 (iRiver 2) is designed to support multiple languages, though off the top of my head, I can't recall which. Check for more information at the <A HREF="" target="_new">Rio website</A>.

Hope this helps,

<A HREF="" target="_new"> PS 17 </A>
Thanks, Sean.It does help.

Rio Volt SP-250 is my target, but I am wondeinrg if it runs well with my Chinese songs. And now it seems to be my desired MP3 player ; )

However, it seems the the SP-250 is out of stock in most of the on-line stores. I guess I have to wait for a while.

thanks a lot.
Well, If haven't already decided yet, the Creative Nomad Jukebox supports Chinese, both traditional and simplified.

<b>ßunn¥§troker 0wn§ j00!</b>