Laptop Acts Like Ctrl is held. Sometimes.


Nov 22, 2014
I recently acquired a laptop from a friend and I have a problem I haven't been able to fix over the last month or so. About 4/5 times when I start up the computer I cannot use the keyboard properly because the laptop acts as if the ctrl key is being held down. I am unable to use the on screen keyboard for the same reason, and I have to keep restarting the computer (manually because when I try to click on anything it doesn't quite work properly either) until I get a good start up. Sometimes even after a good startup if I leave the computer inactive for about 10 minutes it starts acting like ctrl is held down again.

I have searched online multiple times and have tried:
-Reinstalling Drivers
-Installing New Drivers
-Changing Keyboard Language
-Disabling Keyboard Functions such as Sticky Keys
-Disconnecting and reconnecting the Keyboard Ribbon Cable

Nothing has worked as a permanent fix. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bad memory, you and me both. :/

Give it a shot. The built-in keyboard could be defective, maybe some liquid was dropped on it even (the symptom sounds similar to liquid damage we've seen here).
"Disconnecting and reconnecting the Keyboard Ribbon Cable"
If you've done that then you should buy a new laptop keyboard. Cheap replacement keyboards are available for pretty much ANY laptop.

Also, when you got the laptop was the drive formatted? (Did you need to install windows because the drive was empty?)
If not then is there anything in your startup folder (if there is get rid of it). Some scripting languages that use key commands to control windows have issues releasing the CTRL and/or ALT keys.

When I got the computer it didn't actually have a drive in it so I had to put one of my own into it and do a fresh install of windows onto it.

I was also hoping to avoid buying a new keyboard for it since this one seems to work some of the time, but false hope is always a killer haha.

I actually have not. Every time I run into the issue I seem to be away from home, and thanks to horrible memory, by the time I make it home again I forget to continue troubleshooting.

Bad memory, you and me both. :/

Give it a shot. The built-in keyboard could be defective, maybe some liquid was dropped on it even (the symptom sounds similar to liquid damage we've seen here).