Solved! Laptop Choice-Please Help


Dec 15, 2011
I recently ordered a Toshiba L755-S5308 with an i5 processor, 320 gb and 4kb of memory from Best Buy. I was informed last night that they are now out of stock and they would like to replace it for the same price with a Gateway NV57H57u. It has the same processor, better graphics package and more memory. Although they are giving me 6 gb of memory when the 4 probably would be sufficient. My dilemna is that I am not familiar with the Gateway laptop and have been unable to find a review of this particular one. I really wanted a Toshiba but this is the only option Best Buy would give me for the same price. Any insight you can give me or knowledge would be greatly appreciate, I am running out of time before Christmas. Thank you for any help or guidance you can give me.
Do not go with the Gateway. Gateway at one time was a decent computer company, but has gone the cheap way as Dell has, and is no longer a reliable computer. Personally, Gateway is Sh*T. Stick to your guns and demand at least a Toshiba. The toshiba will last you longer and is a better computer, and at least Toshiba will be around for a while.
Do not go with the Gateway. Gateway at one time was a decent computer company, but has gone the cheap way as Dell has, and is no longer a reliable computer. Personally, Gateway is Sh*T. Stick to your guns and demand at least a Toshiba. The toshiba will last you longer and is a better computer, and at least Toshiba will be around for a while.