Laptop for gaming


Nov 12, 2017
I'm looking for a laptop under 600 dollars I can go up to 650 maybe 700
I plan to play casula like Team Fortrees, CS: GO, Garry Mod, Ark, The Forest, etc ...
I've seen some like acer aspire e15 575g, others like the MSI gl62 but I do not intend to play so much as to take advantage of it.
  I thought about using an egpu but I do not know
I hope you help me, Thanks
There are several different models of the MSI GL62 so I am going to assume you mean the one in the link below selling for $740.

Overall, the MSI is a better gaming laptop because it has a quad core i5-7300HQ CPU and a GTX 1050 GPU. Both are more powerful than the dual core i5-6200u and 940mx GPU in the less expensive Acer.

Buying a laptop that allows you to connect a eGPU is likely not an option because you will need a laptop with a Thunderbot 3 port. The only laptops that I know which has such a port cost over $1,000.
There are several different models of the MSI GL62 so I am going to assume you mean the one in the link below selling for $740.

Overall, the MSI is a better gaming laptop because it has a quad core i5-7300HQ CPU and a GTX 1050 GPU. Both are more powerful than the dual core i5-6200u and 940mx GPU in the less expensive Acer.

Buying a laptop that allows you to connect a eGPU is likely not an option because you will need a laptop with a Thunderbot 3 port. The only laptops that I know which has such a port cost over $1,000.

I have looked into both the rigs and i would say go with 'MSI GL62'. The reason behind choosing this are:-
1. You are looking for something near 700 the current and the lowest version of MSI GL62 is around $740.
2. The Processor used is 7th Gen i5 processor 7300HQ while Acer uses 7200
3. The GPU used in acer is 940MX while MSI uses 1050 [big advantage]
4. Both the Rig uses 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB SSD.
At the end, MSI is bit costly but yes much better than Acer.
Thank you