Laptop for University (Canada)


Aug 27, 2014
Hi. I'm currently looking for a laptop mainly for studying/school but also light gaming when I'm out of school. I live in Canada and I'm not too big on buying online so I've been looking at NCIX mainly. I'm not too fond of HP/Acer laptops from reviews that I've read so I did not look into them that much.

The things that I'm looking for:

Long lasting batteries
Fast and reliable performance/speed
Good graphics
Less than $800 CAN
Long lasting

The weight of the laptop won't matter too much

Some laptops that I'm currently deciding on:

I also do not mind if you suggest laptops different from these but please do remember that I will not be buying online.

I'd appreciate any help.
Hi. You should reconsider if you really need good GPU for gaming, because it will effect price, weight, size, heat dramatically of your laptop. For CS 1.6, League of Legends and other light games intel integrated GPU is enough.
By the way all laptops you mentioned are with integrated GPU, which are pretty weak in gaming.
Also I recommend to pick laptop with quality display if you are going to learn, read from it.
Laptop with GPU, but costs a lot -
perfect choice -

I won't be playing too many heavy games as I do not buy many. Would the GPU still matter? Thank you for the suggestion but, is there one that you know of that is cheaper with quality display?