Laptop HDMI to TV


May 2, 2017
I've connected my laptop to my HDTV via HDMI cord. Picture comes through fine but sound plays through the computer and I can't find the hdmi connection anywhere in the computer including in playback devices. Please help I've been stuck for days.

If unplug/re-plug does the job it means you got one of those, not-quite-spec chinese cables, but u get the hang of how to plug it in.

OP, sometimes the HDTV vendor will have a PC driver on their site and that should do the trick.

Probably lol. Seems like I should actually buy some cables, instead of using the 4 that came with my TV in the box. The problem for me is that when the cable is plugged in 100% it doesn't work. It usually works if I just slightly have the cable in the socket.