Hey everybody I got a problem with my laptop, it's warm even when i'm not using it and gets hot to the touch even when browsing with Chrome. It wasn't like this a couple days ago, so I doubt its something to do with dust because it was sudden. And I haven't spilled a drink or dropped my laptop its been on the same table for weeks. I don't move it around with me to my bed because I like to use it as a desktop with a wireless mouse. It's a gaming laptop, I know they're supposed to get hot but it wasn't this hot a few days ago. It all happened after I got Windows 10. And I don't know if this is the reason, but I also got an app that updates drivers I forgot what it was called because I already uninstalled it and it didn't exactly have a catchy name. But I got this app the same day I upgraded to Windows 10 to update my drivers since Windows 10 was buggy and weird at the time. I ended up just downloading my graphics driver, since it somehow disappeared after the update... I deleted it after, and manually installed an ATK that was also missing... But other than that the laptop seems working normally except for this overheating problem. The weird thing is only the top of my laptop is hot, on and around the keyboard but everything else is normal, like the fan and under the laptop. Can somebody help me with this? Any advice? I want to avoid going to a computer store as much as possible for personal reasons. I'm thinking that driver app is what ruined me... Looked a bit odd but I was really desperate that day I wanted to smash my PC for lagging and some key features missing. I don't know but its also hot in my apartment but my laptop is much hotter. My temps are also normal for a laptop my GPU is at ~50c along with my CPU just posting this thread.