Laptop Intel 4500 ok for ocasional games ie Sims etc


Sep 17, 2006
Thanks to Maziar for redirecting me 😉
I didnt know we had a Laptop forum, but then yes im guilty of not looking properly 😗
Ok so im looking to get a laptop to get the wife off of my system 😍 Anyway all she uses it for is game sites etc forums emails msn etc....and she wants it to play the Sims 3 when that comes out.

I have looked at the 4500 graphics option but have been advised on the Graphics forum that its a bit weak. I would also like some advice on the Mobile CPU side of things. Screen size anywhere from 15.4-17 inches is fine and as far as Ram etc goes well i guess it wants 2 minimum but then more if its sharing with the GPU ?
I started looking at the 3450/3470 as an alternative but thats over £100 extra which seems a bit much for one game.
Does anyone hav eany ideas recomendations as to what to get and where to look shoping wise ?
Im in the UK but if others want to advise on decent models etc then i can google and hopefully find them for sale over here.
I dont want to knock Dell and they are on the short list at the moment but i would rather not if i can help it, (irational aversion)
Ballpark £500 Budget