laptop is not switching on for the first time if i push the power button but after force stop and on second push it is.....


Jan 13, 2018
i had changed my laptop battery with a new one. Now it is not switching on when I push the power button for the first time. All I could see is blue notification light at power button is on and some sound of fan for a couple of seconds; the screen is black as if it is not getting any power supply.

But after force stop by holding the power button and again holding it will switch on the laptop.

And for subsequent logging off and on it's normal.

but after few hours again it's the same story.

laptop model: Acer Aspire One Happy 2
problem started after replacing old original battery with new duplicate one.

Observation: If it's due to duplicate battery, the problem should be the same even for the second time. But i is repeating for the subsequent attempts after few hours but everything's normal for immediate attempts.
The new battery, is it OEM or after market? If it is the latter, then that may well be your problem. They can be hit or miss at working correctly.