Laptop keyboard juice spill, certain keys don't work with brand new keyboard


Nov 18, 2015
Some juice was spilled on my laptop keyboard N61 jv. Once it dried out, a bunch of keys stopped working. After replacing it with a brand new, some keys still don't work around a particular region, namely: 9, o, l, ., \ and the down arrow. The new keyboard is definitely flawless as it has been tested in another compatible laptop. Is the motherboard partly damaged or is there a more specific replacable component that could be faulty?

Another potentially helpful observation is that a particular piece of the board seems to be fried or somewhat different as the other similar group of chips on the circuit

Any thoughts?

The answer is Yes, it should be the motherboard if the new keyboard didn't work either but worked on to another laptop. See if you can dry out any remaining liquid inside the laptop then try to use the new keyboard once again. Lastly, if all these will not work you can still just the laptop but see if it will work with a USB keyboard instead.

It's been dry for a long time now. USB keyboards work, because that has almost nothing to do with the connector or the mobo itself.

you can still just the laptop

I think you missed the important word here.