Laptop lags while playing games although its not fully commited


Oct 30, 2017
I have a strange problem. My laptop has a i5 2450M, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD7470M graphics card. It lags while i'm playing games. While the laptop is on a charger it goes a litle smoother but i still can't pull out the max, not even close. Why am i getting this problem and how can i fix it?

I know but the games that i play the laptop should run at 60 fps just for fun. It says (task manager) that the memory usage is around 70% used and the CPU usage is around 60% and the graphics card needed for the game is 512MB and i have 1GB, and fast graphics card, so that is the issue. I can't pull out the max preformance of the laptop.
Do remember to take into account that if you have not restarted the computer recently (so many don't) that will drop your resources as anything you do takes up some of them. Even when you stop doing it, they don't go back to the beginning (so to speak).

Try rebooting and starting with the game only and see if you get the same issue. You might also want to check to see what is auto loading on the computer (when Windows starts) to make sure there isn't anything loading that isn't necessary, which would use up more resources.

Well... I play Wolfenstein (2009), Need for speed undercover, and i tried to play Assasins Creed IV (black flag), the need for speed at minimum settings desnt go 60 fps, Wolfenstein lags when i go to the other dimention and it doesn't go 60 fps, Assasins Creed lags like hell, i guess 15 fps. Wolfenstein should be ran on 60 fps as well with Need for speed and assasins creed should work at least 40 fps. I had some problems with playing Cities Skyline, until i lowered the graphics to min. I guess all of these games should be ran on these specs much bether, correct me if i'm wrong. Thank you all for sharing your opinion.

I guess, the blame is to put on the drivers or the power (batery is not rly good, it holds 1h, and that sould maby be the problem)?
Next week ill go to change my system (from windows 10 to windows 7) so if that doesnt help then i dont know what would.