Solved! Laptop Low fan 2 RPM?


Apr 28, 2015
So, my daughter dropped my new laptop last night and now it seems to be overheating more often, I instaled speedfan and about 5 minutes into league of legends, I'm at 60c+, I'm not sure if that's normal or not, but fan 1 is at about 2500 RPM and Fan 2 is 150.

is this normal? Did she break a fan?

After the few minutes of league of legends.

Fan1: 3395RPM
Fan2: 141RPM

GPU: 65C
HD1 30C
HD0: 30C
Temp1: 71C
Core 0: 53C
Core 1: 51C
Core2: 50C
Core 3: 51C

Is this normal?

This is the laptop I'm using, playing in an AC room, with a cooling pad, it's getting loud on the right side and definitely blowing out air, but hardly anything on the left side.

Should I take it back, as I have accidental protection?
60C does not seem that high on a laptop.

Put your laptop to sleep, and let it get completely cool. Wake the laptop and see if the fans are either off of lower than 2500 and 150 RPM. Then launch a game or other intensive programs and see if the fans speed up with usage.

I'm assuming one fan is GPU and the other fan is CPU, but yeah i don't think 60C is high while playing a game.


Jan 2, 2017
60C does not seem that high on a laptop.

Put your laptop to sleep, and let it get completely cool. Wake the laptop and see if the fans are either off of lower than 2500 and 150 RPM. Then launch a game or other intensive programs and see if the fans speed up with usage.

I'm assuming one fan is GPU and the other fan is CPU, but yeah i don't think 60C is high while playing a game.


Apr 28, 2015

It's definitely getting higher than it was the other day ago, before the drop.
I can definitely notice the fan and heat as well, especially considering it's such a low intensity game.

It literally gets to the point where the laptop is shaking.