Laptop Only charges when its OFF /Sleep Mode

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Aug 21, 2016
i have a HP 15 notebook PC on running windows 8.1

it only seems to charge in sleep mode or when its off.

if the laptop is somewhat charged and i plug the ac adapter in. the light will only illuminate white and it wont say its charging.

the only way i work around it is if i let my comp go into sleep mode. then i turn it off completely. then wait a minute.then the charger will turn orange. then i turn the laptop back on and the charger is recognized and it charges.

BUT if i unplug it and plug it back in it goes back to the white light again.

very odd.
A high battery charge cycle count almost always raises an eyebrow (time to replace), but this is a classic symptom of an under-powered AC plug (may also needs replacing). That's all I have to say.

Yes. It's the original adapter that it came with.

I think I need a new one. I tried to use the adapter without the battery and it wouldn't turn on

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