Laptop overall build comparison


Jul 19, 2013
I just need a quick bit of help. I recently picked up a laptop at what seemed like a bargain price, but I'm not sure how it compares to my current one overall.
This is what I currently have, except with the RAM upgraded to 16GB, the 1TB hard drive moved into a drive caddy that replaces the optical drive, and a samsung 850 EVO 250GB as the main drive. It's worth noting that the VRAM is GDDR5

This is what I recently picked up. The VRAM is GDDR3 as far as I can tell using GPUZ

I'd really like to know which laptop to keep.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Just based purely off specifications, the laptop that you just picked up is going to be a very drastic increase in performance. You will probably be very happy that you bought the Lenovo.

So you don't think the difference between the GDDR RAM types would be a reason to return it? That was my only concern.
To answer the question of how well any piece of hardware will perform, the major piece of info required is "doing what ?"

-Quad Core Intel Core i7 6700HQ (2.60 GHz) is obviously better than Intel Core i7-4720HQ Processor 2.6GHz
-16 GB DDR4 Memory is obviously better than original 8GB DDR3L-1600 RAM. Your upgarde to 16Gb leaves you with DDR3 vs DDR4 but w/o knowing speed and timings, no way to judge what's better
-The new 1 TB HDD might be better than the crappy 5400 job but the new one doesn't tell ya the rpm
-Since they don't list the model of the SSD in the new lappie, i expect the SSD in the old one is much better
-Don't like much about Win 10 but it's better than Win 8.1
-The new IPS screen in the new one is likely (I'm sure) better than the old one. Still at the price, recognize that there's a large difference between higher and lower priced IPS panels. OTOH, on average, TN panels are much better at gaming than IP panels. I have yet to see a suitable gaming panel that's IPS under $700.
-The GeForce GTX 950M 4 GB is obviously a step up over the AMD Radeon R9 M265X

if it were me... I'd swap the SSDs and reinstall everything from scratch and sell the Toshiba

I'd do exactly that, except that the evo is a SATA model, and the Lenovo has a pcie model.

not unless you move data from folder to folder a lot, not going make much different.
I just booted up device manager, and while it won't tell me what the exact model number is, I do know that the SSD in the Lenovo is a Samsung NVME model
Here's a 'rule of thumb" I use to set prices

Rule of Thumb - Take your build cost and then subtract 10% when you open the box .... then 5% for each month of age for 6 months (60% value at this point) ... then 10% for every 6 months thereafter.

0.5 year old - 60% of build / purchase cost
1.0 - 50%
1.5 - 40%
2.0 - 30%
2.5 - 20%
3.0 - 10%

So if I bought it in August of last year for $700, put $200 worth of upgrades into it, the answer should be around $400 right?
Wait... thought we were talking about selling the Toshiba which costs just $334.89 new. That would put it at $165 now.

And when I say build cost, that means cost to build it or buy it today ...

As for the upgrades, that's iffy on a lappie as you now have no warranty. The Evo is worth $80 (new) .. so put that at $40 ... 2 x 8GB is also worth about $80 new but you started at 8Gb so figure half that $40 for the upgrade... should take half of that for the age but we'll let that go and put the value of the upgrades at $40 + $40 ... That would be about $250 for the Toshiba ... but with no warranty since you opened it, will be a hard sell.
Thank you for the input! I'm probably gonna end up just dumping it onto one of my mothers friends. I liked the toshiba, but it was always a little underpowered for my taste.
Yes, you get a far better return on that ... pass it on to grandma to receive / send pics of Grandkids, Aunt Tillie. or pass it onto a non-proft where ya can take advantage of a tax credit ... use the purchase cost :)

I'd recommend ... tho I am biased as my son was one of the founders.

KiDS NEED M♥RE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of children, families & young adults coping with cancer and life-threatening illness.

Not sure how you would go about it, will ask when he gets here.