Laptop screen goes blue yellow or white...


Feb 24, 2013
after switch on my laptop after 10 to 15 minutes my display goes white or blue r yellow. same happens when I plug external monitor to it.
Hi it47878,

As what Brett said, could very well be the laptop failing but why why on earth listen to him? Wait for possible solutions from other members such as mine. Exhaust these options first before going off to get ripped off by those tech shops.
After all, it is great practice for you, myself and others.

*How long have you had the machine?
*Any other faults before this?
*How long has this been going on for?
*What is your laptop model? Try and google your laptop model with the described fault and check for related hits

Visit the manufactures website and check against your machine the current driver versions:

*Flash/update you laptop BIOS
*Update video drivers
*Update chipset drivers

A simple driver update may be the remedy.

If none of these options fix it then I guess dropping by a local tech store would be the only option?
Are you still under warranty, contact them if so!

Post back for more help!

See you soon it47878,


Explain to me the logic of video colors and artifacts after 10-15 mins of use, and how that could be driver related vs heat related/failing gpu. If it was drivers, it would probably happen right away as soon as it was turned on. The fact that it takes 10-15 mins almost always points to heat or dying GPU. Cleaning the fans and reapplying thermal paste may fix it, but that's not the something for the faint hearted if you've never taken a laptop apart before.

I agreed with Brett and agree with you.

But why not exhaust software options first by trying to update software which mayfix it, stranger things have happened have they not?

Best exhaust all options first instead of simply getting getting him or her off to some EDITED BY MODERATOR - NO LANGUAGE LIKE THAT guy read to take a run with his or her money.

Hi :)

The reason he should listen to me is in my sig....

That problem is HARDWARE ...not software and no driver updates will EVER help....

A little more politeness would also be appreciated...........

All the best Brett :)

I search online for this kind of faults online but didn't get any solution that can fix my problem.... now it s about 3 years since I bought my Toshiba L305 s5921 laptop and this is fist time I m having hard time with it.. I have updated video driver, bios and chipset and finaly because it didn't fix my problem I have fresh install of window also. but still I am getting the problem.

I also think of that it is by heating but recently I found out that if I unplug power adapter it works normal. so still can it be a problem of heating or would it be a problem of charging unit? can it be fix after cleaning fan?

Hi :)

As i said..NO software/bios updates will cure this, its a HARDWARE problem...

The answer is either a refloat of the graphics chip or a new/second hand Motherboard...

All the best Brett :)
Could very well be the wire that connects the screen to the keyboard, although this usually gives a pure white screen only. It's easy to check: when it goes white, wobble the screen back and forth very slowly to as far as it can go open and then to almost closed (but obviously not so far as to put the machine to sleep), and then wiggle it more rapidly. If it pops back to life at any time, there is a fault with the connector (which can often be fixed simply by reseating it) - for some reason it is usually the connector at the screen end not the keyboard end.

Hi :)

I don't think it can be as he said its the same on an external monitor (different circuit)

All the best Brett :)
Get temp monitoring software for your GPU and CPU and check your temps.

If temps are high such as 60+ (when aren't doing nothing demanding, such as web browser open only for instance) then get it checked.

Signature? I should 'listen' because you 'own'.... :/

I apologize, my post was impolite Brett.

Just a young lad trying to expand knowledge :)

Stranger things 'ave happened!


Hi :)

You SHOULD listen not because I own a Lappy repair company , you should listen because I can do EVERY job my employees do there... Laptop repair companies do not magically appear... I started it on my own, and built it up from there....

All the best Brett :)
Yeah, I think one of the steps to take would be to find a really good guide on disassembling your SPECIFIC MODEL of laptop and re-apply thermal paste to the GPU, and since the heat plates are probably connected to the same fan like in my laptop the CPU as well. I had a similar issue after about 3 years of rigorous use on my HP Pavilion and new thermal paste dropped my temps a good 20 degrees. I also upgraded the CPU while I had it taken apart but thats beside the point. I do find it a little odd that the problem goes away when you unplug the power brick. Maybe its sending too much voltage? Try another power brick if you have one before taking it apart.

Usually the gpu/cpu will downclock to the lowest settings on battery to save power unless you override it in the power settings, so when you unplug the adapter, everything downclocks, doesn't run as fast, less heat, no problem. Plug into power, cpu/gpu ramp up, heat builds up, graphics show up.

Either it's the fan clogged up, or thermal paste gone and the extra heat when it's plugged in is causing the artifacts or the gpu is dying (which is common in a few year old laptops) and when it heats up at all, it starts to act up and thermal paste/fan may or may not help.

I like Brent, fix PC's/laptops and everything else, my specialty being 360's and PS3's and reflowing and reballing them because of the red ring/yellow light problems on those consoles. Sometimes, after reflowing, additional cooling, etc, the GPU is still too damaged and any heat add's too much stress and they get colors/artifacts and at that point, it's install a new GPU via reball or trash the system.

It could just be getting too hot and after 3 years, most laptops need a good cleaning and new thermal paste. Most people don't care of their laptops, use them as a desktop so they are on 24/7, they use them on couches, blankets, etc that add's dust and blocks cooling vents and they overheat. Sometimes though, the GPU is damaged and beyond repair without removing the GPU and reballing a new gpu in place, which is a tedious expensive process that I don't usually do on a laptop unless it's a very expensive, newer laptop that people are willing to spend money on, regardless if I can fix it or not. I'm not buying a new GPU unless you're paying for it regardless.
I open up the laptop.. actually there was not much dust inside.. But thermal paste on the GPU was like rubber.. so I remove it and apply again and now its about more than a hour and it still going good... :) thanx all for giving me a hand. if smeting go wrong again I will be back....thankx for all again....