Hello, I have an old 4 years old ASUS-K53SV-SX582 (specifications below) and i bought new battery a month ago. It's not from Asus, it's from avacom and it is 7800mAh (original 5200mah). Problem is, when i want to play games, laptop will automatically shut down. It can be after seconds or minutes no matter what game I play. The only game when laptop didn't shut down was Killing Floor on Battery Saving Mode (ASUS Power4Gear Hybrid app) on average 15fps. Sometimes when it shuts down, i have to wait a few seconds before i can start laptop again and i can feel heat that i think is higher than normally should be from battery. Is the whole problem battery overheating or something else? I cleaned the laptop about 6 month ago, and the battery is a little bit higher than original so airflow shouldn't be a problem. (https
/www.google.sk/search?newwindow=1&espv=2&rlz=1C1ASUC_enSK673SK673&biw=1280&bih=899&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=asus+k53sv+bateria+avacom&oq=asus+k53sv+bateria+avacom&gs_l=img.3...6729.7311.0.7743. Original: https
CPU: Intel Core I5 2430M 2,4GHz 2 core
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT540M 1GB
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

CPU: Intel Core I5 2430M 2,4GHz 2 core
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT540M 1GB
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit