laptop shuts down


Jul 1, 2016
My laptop fell onto the floor. Now it won't start. It loads logo for secs, then shuts down with 1 beep. If I press F2 or F12 is shows a bar loading, but still shuts down The start/off button is jammed. Is the entire motherboard broken?

Okay well, can you tell me what you mean with the power button being jammed? Like, is it broken or does it not work?
Edit; So, I've had a dead board before. Not because it was dropped nor anything. But just burned out. It made beep sounds and the power button not working. Which was the cause of the board being dead.
So, I'm asuming it's the board.
I see the dell logo and press F1 for ... and F2...
and as i said in my initial post. pressing F2 and F12 showed a bar loading. So something is working inside of it

Okay well, can you tell me what you mean with the power button being jammed? Like, is it broken or does it not work?
Edit; So, I've had a dead board before. Not because it was dropped nor anything. But just burned out. It made beep sounds and the power button not working. Which was the cause of the board being dead.
So, I'm asuming it's the board.

Anytime, I'm not an expert or anything. But I've had similar experience. In my case it was a bend uhm, capacitor(?) on the board.. I'd say get it to service. Hope you have ensurance on it tho.