Hey guys, I just did an install of windows 10 on my Stream 11 laptop and my touch-pad is
not responding, Ive read many many posts on this problem and have tried many solutions, like
updating all of the drivers, activating it through the control panel (It wont show up under the
mouse settings), Ive even tried taking it apart and checking the wired connections!! I also noticed
that as soon as I booted up the Windows Installer the touch-pad was not responding, I thought I
just needed the drivers. I just cant seem to find a solution. If anyone can help, please do. I will try
just about anything. Thank you in advance!!
not responding, Ive read many many posts on this problem and have tried many solutions, like
updating all of the drivers, activating it through the control panel (It wont show up under the
mouse settings), Ive even tried taking it apart and checking the wired connections!! I also noticed
that as soon as I booted up the Windows Installer the touch-pad was not responding, I thought I
just needed the drivers. I just cant seem to find a solution. If anyone can help, please do. I will try
just about anything. Thank you in advance!!