Laptop wont connect to router


Feb 3, 2009
A friend of mine recently purchased a laptop - EVESHAM Powerline Z7100.
There is an issue, it wont connect to his router. Internet works fine with ethernet cable plugged in.

At first it said the connection is ''firewalled''. Disabled firewall, restarted but the problem still persists.
Could it be hardware related meaning the network card is not compatible with my router?

I'd be happy if you could recommend something to try.

Router - huawei echolife hg532
OS - xp

No, I doubt it's that. I asked about the firewall because routers have a firewall as well; theirs is a hardware firewall, which is much more secure. You/your friend probably needs to enter the router's settings through your web browser (see the router's manual for how to log into it) and make sure the Firewall and DHCP configuration is set so that he can connect; also, make sure that MAC filtering is turned off─ or that you at least add his MAC address to the whitelist. :)