Laptop wont turn on after charger wires spark.

Francis John

Feb 27, 2016
I have an Asus X501NA that won't turn on. Its charger's cord was cut due to my mistake. So I made an attempt on repairing it since it only has 2 wires with different colors. After reconnecting the wires my laptop was charging with no problem, but after placing the laptop on the desk the 2 wires touched each other that caused a spark and my laptop won't turn on. I did use a voltmeter to my charger and no current is flowing on it so I thought of buying a new charger. So after 2 months, I always forgot to buy it since I'm too busy with my studies, I finally bought a new charger. But the problem is my laptop still won't turn on. I checked on the charger and it has no problems. Any help?

PS. I did the "remove battery and press power on for 30 secs" thing but still unsuccessful.

Need to have it looked at by a tech. If the system does not turn on you can't test anything.
Hi , i had nearly the same issue as this guy , but my laptop is still detecting my charger and battery still it won't turn on , i'm suspecting the motherboard or the alimentation button is their a way to know