I currently have an AMD A8-4500m Laptop (with 512mb igpu) and it isn't bad running minecraft with 50 - 60 fps on medium and grand theft auto san andreas 720p but I would like to upgrade it, with a cheap gaming laptop (£250 max: NOT BRAND NEW) which will run GTA IV decently. Also, I was thinking about i5 4200u with intel HD Graphics, would it run GTA SA (SAMP/MTA SA: multiplayer) On max settings? Also will it run minecraft better than this laptop and GTA IV?
My friend uses a Pentium B960 with intel hd graphics and it seems better than this AMD laptop so please suggest me some cheap laptop with intel/nvidia graphics for around £250. thank you.
My friend uses a Pentium B960 with intel hd graphics and it seems better than this AMD laptop so please suggest me some cheap laptop with intel/nvidia graphics for around £250. thank you.