Laptops FPS drops when plugged in.

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Apr 22, 2015
Hello. I have a Asus (X550LN) laptop and recently while gaming my laptops fps started dropping from normal 130-150 to 30-50. I discovered that it only drops when laptop is plugged in. I tried changing power options but nothing seemed to help. What I noticed was that my CPU Utilization dropped while fps drop occurred. But CPU temperature was normal and speed remained close to maximum.
Also I tried playing with my battery removed and even tried a different charger but fps still dropped.
If someone could help me I would really appreciate it. :)
Did you recently update/change any hardware drivers or install OS updates?
Hi did you check for the latest bios (and driver) updates?

Using the latest BIOS and drivers (especially video card drivers), is important. Also check Windows Event Viewer, and see if there are any warnings and /or errors.

Also go to Control Panel > Power Options > Change Plan Settings > Change Advanced Power settings

And check how these settings are configured. Settings should be the same for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.

Also check for any ASUS applications which are instlaled on the laptop, and see if there are any power/performance related options.

Double check that, with at least several different applications. Sudden framerate drops usually occur due to CPU thermal throttling, which usually happens when the CPU is working @ max speed and voltage, which usually happens when you plug the external power source (laptop switches from power saving mode to performance mode). This is a common thing in laptops, which mostly have poor cooling solutions. Your fans or heatsinks might be clogged with dust also.


Thank you for answering. I have updated my BIOS and also nvidia drivers.
In power options I have everything on high performance.
In windows event viewer i found this error (The speed of processor 0 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 42 seconds since the last report.)
I´m not sure what that means.

Hi, that error is normal. I've seen that error on many Desktop computers and laptops, even though there would be no issues.

Does the battery charge properly?

Did the issue occur once you bought the laptop? or recently?
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