Latest ATI Cats...less than impressed =/


Mar 21, 2001
I recently installed the latest catylist drivers from ATI. I get slower performance than I do with the ones I currently use, that are several versions back. I tried the Omega version of them as well....same effect. I'm talkin just basic windows stuff...opening files, windows, etc. Things lag, it's weird. Anyway I'm running a P4 3.06gig, on an Asus P4P3 board. The graphics card i'm using is a Radeon 9700 Pro.

Just wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing the same thing. I guess the old saying "if it ain't broke, dont fix it" holds true in my situation. heh =P

<font color=red> "Mix it with the relish!" - Pauly Walnuts (The Sopranos) </font color=red>
I've still not been able to figure out why these drivers are slowing my system down. It's very perplexing. =/

<font color=red> "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations." - Sir Winston Churchill </font color=red>
Hmmm, I haven't had any problems with the latest Catalyst drivers on my computer. I am using Windows XP and a Powercolor Radeon 9100. Maybe it only affects the newer ATI cards? Interesting...

For people who like peace and quiet - a phoneless cord.
check your video cards settings. display properties and look for inconsistency.

<font color=blue>
<i>COMPUTERS</i> need <b>UPGRADES</b>; <i>UPGRADES</i> need <b>MONEY</b>,
"but" <b>MONEY</b> - heck, <i>it's no easy task. 😱 </i>
</font color=blue>
No probs here...9500 Pro. Anyways, do what jmecor said and check to make sure the settings are what you want. Most of the drivers reset to defaults on install.

<b>It is always brave to say what everyone thinks. </b> <i>Georges Duhamel</i>

Well, I didnt mean game performance, I meant windows. Like opening a directory or file, it would be very sluggish. But I found out what was going on. I was trying to use the executable file ATI puts out for their drivers instead of upgrading through adapter settings. By trying to install using the ATI exec file, I was not getting a stable install.
Things are great now, running the latest Cats. :)

<font color=red> "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations." - Sir Winston Churchill </font color=red>
very sluggish opening files and directries would be your processir not your vid card.

<A HREF="" target="_new">-={Apostalic Alcoholic.}=-</A>
Thanks but I don't think so. It wasn't the card either, it was the drivers. Because everytime I did a restore, things were fine again, same card, same proc. Basically I wasn't installing the drivers correctly. Everything's fine now anyway.

<font color=blue> "Speach is silver. Silence is Golden." - Anonymous German Proverb </font color=blue>
how exactly did you install the drivers then? i am having a problem where ati control panel shuts down every time i load windows as well as every time i try to run catalyst. this happened for both the cd that i got with my radeon 9600 and the file i got from ati. maybe this will help me.
I installed through adapter settings. I didn't use the exec file ATI always puts out with their Cats.

<font color=blue> "Speach is silver. Silence is Golden." - Anonymous German Proverb </font color=blue>
I had this problem and mine was vc driver related (ie I lost a piece (dll, etc.) of my vc driver on a hard crash from OC new RAM. Reinstalled latest cats and no more "refresh" problem. I know it was the vc driver because as soon as reinstalled and rebooted it worked perfect again. I agree the processor does 95% of the work when it comes to explorer but you still have to view it.


<A HREF="" target="_new">Psyko's Puter</A>
For some reason the 3.7 cats and up just junked up my computer though its a comparitively rare card (Radeon 7000.) My new computer was fine (see sig) with the 3.9's but I never had anything other drivers to compare it too. But I had to RMA it and my life will never be the same. I'm having a lot of problems with ATI recently and I think my next upgrade will include a Nvidia card.

Add witty comment here and beat this bad boy...
A64 3200+ w/ 1 GB DDR 400
2 36 gig raptors in Raid 0 complemented by an AIW 9800 Pro
I think the wife's got a 9800 XT under the tree with my name on it.....she's so good to me =P

<font color=blue> "Speech is silver. Silence is Golden." - Anonymous German Proverb </font color=blue>
sweet deal, the XT's come with some overdrive thing in the drivers I heard.

Add witty comment here and beat this bad boy...
A64 3200+ w/ 1 GB DDR 400
2 36 gig raptors in Raid 0 complemented by an AIW 9800 Pro
i have the same problem i have
athlon xp 3200+ @ 2.2ghz
ati 9800 radeon pro all in wonder
512 kingston hyper x
asus a7n8x deluxe
yeah, I got a 9600xt and it does have the overdrive you speak of, with a heat sensing diode or something to make sure the card isn't running hot. the only way I'll overclock as when I'm done with my pc I'll pass it on to one friend or another. no need to wear them out early for 5-10%increase, isn't worth it to me