Lcd tv damage



A battery from a games controller hit the screen of my lcd tv today. the screen isnt damaged but the picture now has a crack in it and lots of vertical multicoloured lines. can anything be done about this damage??? Thanks
It may be doomed. Heres why. Liquid Crystal Displays are created of a solid/liquid type of material that is positioned in a certain way, while allowing them to move around. When you knocked the screen with your battery, you repositioned the crystals. I do not know that without professional (basically manufacturer) help, if they even could... i dont know, you would be able to get the TV back to the way it was. Check out the following link to learn more aboud LCD's.

The link may give you a better understanding of the system itself.
You will need a new panel. Normally the manufacturer prices the panels at 90-110% of the tv's purchase price. Honestly, this is a insurance company conversation at this point.