Lenovo z500 not working


May 8, 2017
I need some help regarding my lenovo z500.
Yesterday i was reading a pdf file and suddenly a blue screen came with the msg that there is some internal error and your laptop needs to restart. i waited it restarted but with lenovo start there came prepairing automatic recovery then came an option to reset or recover system i tried bothbut nothing happes. It says you pc is unable to reset or repair and the same cycle goes on n on.
I tried to strt it in safe mode but no use nothing happens. The same cycle continues.
Need help plz

Let the disk repair get completed. If the issue occurs again, try to boot OS from a pendrive or swap with a good hard drive in your PC if possible. This is to make sure that whether it is a software issue or not.
Hi Shifa,

Sorry to hear that. Could you please share the exact blue screen error message? It can be hardware or a software issue. According to the error, we can perform the required troubleshooting.
Right now its repairing disk errors.thus mught take over an hour to complete.
And its been alreday 5 to 6 hoyrs and it displays only this screen with a circle moving on and on under lenovo logo.
So that blue screen and error is not coming again.. its stuck with this now.
Thanks for helping.


Let the disk repair get completed. If the issue occurs again, try to boot OS from a pendrive or swap with a good hard drive in your PC if possible. This is to make sure that whether it is a software issue or not.