limiting the no of times a file can be copied.

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Dec 22, 2016
how is that possible to allow a file to be copied/moved for limited no of times and beyond that always ask for password for copying or moving.

i want this because i help a friend by giving him free/cracked pc games as he can't download.but he makes money by selling those games to others who can't there a way in which he can't copy the games to other systems or if copied,the game should ask some kind of password so that other's system can't run that game? advance ,plz help me as i want to stop my friends fraud mentality and teach him to not take selfish advantage from the situation.

You are asking us how to break copyright laws for you. You're taking advantage of the system by stealing cracked games and then compounding that issue by selling cracked media but don't want other people fradulantly taking advantage of the media you just stole yourself.

You make zero sense.

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