As the thread title says, i want to connect my computer with my cable TV signal to watch high quality TV on it. I got the Windows media center (included with Windows 7 professional) so software shouldn't be a problem. But the big problem is that I got cablecom as a TV provider (I live in Switzerland...). They somehow code their signal so that a regular TV Tuner can't decode it or that's at least what I heard. To watch TV we got a so called "media box recorder, Cisco HD DVR" from cablecom (but the recording options are "locked" as i don't have the full subscription). I heard from somebody that it's possible to somehow "extract" the signal from the mediabox but i couldn't find anything online...
Can anybody help me? Just ask if you need more details.
Thanks a lot!
As the thread title says, i want to connect my computer with my cable TV signal to watch high quality TV on it. I got the Windows media center (included with Windows 7 professional) so software shouldn't be a problem. But the big problem is that I got cablecom as a TV provider (I live in Switzerland...). They somehow code their signal so that a regular TV Tuner can't decode it or that's at least what I heard. To watch TV we got a so called "media box recorder, Cisco HD DVR" from cablecom (but the recording options are "locked" as i don't have the full subscription). I heard from somebody that it's possible to somehow "extract" the signal from the mediabox but i couldn't find anything online...
Can anybody help me? Just ask if you need more details.
Thanks a lot!