Right, so I bought my C920 second-hand off eBay, which, admittedly, was not the best idea. Anyway, having plugged it in and installed the latest drivers, I go to use it in a Skype call and it works for a moment then disconnects. The blue indicator light just flashes and goes off.
After a few seconds, the webcam reconnects, but it's not recognised by my PC. I can try a different USB port, but the problem persists. I even tried a different system, but to no avail.
Now I hope I'm right in saying that because the webcam works momentarily, it's either the cable or the driver that's the problem and not the camera itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you need any other info just ask.
Many thanks.
After a few seconds, the webcam reconnects, but it's not recognised by my PC. I can try a different USB port, but the problem persists. I even tried a different system, but to no avail.
Now I hope I'm right in saying that because the webcam works momentarily, it's either the cable or the driver that's the problem and not the camera itself. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you need any other info just ask.
Many thanks.