Logitech Z623 Subwoofer not working?!

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May 12, 2017
I have already tried checking my sound card settings which were left unchanged ever since I bought this 2.1 system. The subwoofer used to work just fine and I never changed any of my audio settings but now it's only the speakers that are working, the sub is pretty much dead. I also tried plugging my phone in instead of the computer but no luck. Does this mean the subwoofer is basically fried? Time to invest in another system? I really like this sound system, but any help is greatly appreciated!
Yeah sounds like you need a new system. If you have tried different inputs and still dead the AMP is faulty or the sub is dead.

You should have a look at the software of your sound card. Is the upmix function enabled or did you choose the wrong speakers say: Headphones instead of 2.1 speakers. When the upmix function is enabled the device only works if you plug in 1 jack for all speakers. If it is disabled then you need to plug in all jacks.
Yeah sounds like you need a new system. If you have tried different inputs and still dead the AMP is faulty or the sub is dead.

You should have a look at the software of your sound card. Is the upmix function enabled or did you choose the wrong speakers say: Headphones instead of 2.1 speakers. When the upmix function is enabled the device only works if you plug in 1 jack for all speakers. If it is disabled then you need to plug in all jacks.

Just took another peek at the settings, it's all pretty much set to default since day one of using these speakers. Also selected 2.1 speakers as the profile as well. The audio comes out of the two speakers just fine, it's just the boom that's missing. The subwoofer was working again out of nowhere for a day, but then it just went out again. So I thought it might be an issue with the aux cord, bought and replaced it with another cord but that didn't fix the issue either. I think you're right, the amp is faulty and it's time to look for another system!
I've got an older Logitech system that has a separate sound control panel. I'll lose the bass sound from time to time, but if I twist the bass adjustment knob AND push it in and out, it fixes it. Just gets dusty, I guess.

Good Luck and make sure you read reviews before you buy a new system.

So, I have run into the same issue. The sub itself just stopped working, but right and left worked. One day it would work for a few minutes, then nothing. A few things I have tried are sound card adjustments, new cables, opening up the sub and replacing the 4Ah 250V fuses, both of them, and it still was intermittent. Finally I sprayed some electrical contact cleaner on the d-link cable and input on the sub box. been working for an hour without cutting out again. Not saying it's a guarantee, but before dropping another $100-$150 on a new system, better to do some basic tests and hope they work.
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