Looking for a good laptop for school (sixthform/college)


Oct 4, 2016
Okay, so a few things first, I would like relatively high performance (I mean I comparison to other laptops in the price range I know I am not going to be getting anything great) in CPU based tasks because I want it to last quite a few years without needing to replace it, the maximum I can spend is £500, yes British money so ideally I need suggestions from UK shopping sites and things.

I might go for a slightly less powerful laptop if it has better graphics or is really good value or something.

I was looking at a few laptops and some of them looked like they had okay processors but I am not familiar with Intel or AMD's mobile processors so I don't know how it compares to their desktop counterparts, the processor I have inside my desktop is an Athlon X4 860k so do you think you could tell me how they would compare.

I would need at least 4 hours of battery life on it.

I would be using the laptop for word processing, browsing the internet (so tumblr facebook , youtube, reddit, forums and things) (I use like a billion tabs at a time oops so at minimum 4GB of ram), maybe some light photo editing, maybe a little game development (nothing big I am a bit of a hobbyist of starting make and never finishing really bad 2D games), maybe playing some lighter games on low settings e.g. ittle dew and minecraft, but nothing ridiculously big...

I was looking at:
The ASUS X556UA-DM326T - £499.95, Intel Core i7-6500, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD

The Lenovo Ideapad 300-15ISK (80Q7009FUK) - £469.99, Intel Core i7-6500U, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD

The Lenovo Z50-75 (80EC00MFUK) - £325.99, AMD FX-7500 APU, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD

The Lenovo Ideapad 100 (80QQ00N7UK) - £382.14, Intel Core i5-5200U, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD

The Lenovo Z50-75 (80EC00N5UK) - £429.99, AMD A10-7300, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD

The Lenovo YOGA 500 (80N400SKUK) - Intel Core-i3, 4 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD


The Acer Aspire E5-574-56NR
- £399.99, Intel Core i5 6200U, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD

I am welcome to other suggestions under £500 but these are just some I saw that looked potentially okay, I'm not sure about the AMD ones and the yoga because they are lower cpu spec, the amd ones are apus so they would be able to deal with video better which might be better for an all round experience and they are far cheaper than the i7s but I really have no idea about the situation of laptops could I have some of your inputs on what I should get?

From the ones you have chosen the asus x556ua is the best due to the better screen. The cpu is good and you will be able to do the things you want. If the full hd resolution isn't important to you then the ideapad 300 is good.