Looking for a good tv for ps4 gaming. (Has to be around 42")


Jan 29, 2014
Hi, I just bought a ps4 and I'm looking to upgrade my tv to allow for better gaming. I'm looking for a tv about 40-42 inches and my budget is about $600 dollars. I want a tv that is 1080p with a 120hz. So my question is does anyone know of a good tv with a low lag time that fits what I'm looking for? Any help would be great. Just know my tv can't be any bigger than 46" and I don't want a plasma.
why do you want a 120hz television for ps4 gaming? you do realize they only accept a 60hz input right and that the extra frames would be post processed in right? you also realize that this can cause visual lag so you would be running in 60hz mode (game mode) anyways right?

i would look at models from sony, samsung or lg.