Looking For A Laptop, Need Your Help, Thank You =)


Jan 21, 2011
I need a laptop and i searched for it.Unfortunately my budget is low (around 700 dollar)
My real purpose to buy a laptop is that i have to run solidworks 2010, matlab, visual basic etc. programs which an engineering student needs. =)

Playing games is not much important for me, if the instrument runs the nowadays games on low graphic quality, this is enough for me...

I'm living in Turkey and the electronics are more expensive than USA and Europe because of the taxes. Please keep that in your mind while you submit a laptop =)

So i found a laptop, but i am not sure about this laptop can afford my requirements?I am not sure only about the graphic card.

There is a big discount on this laptop, the page is Turkish, but i am sure that you can be able to understand the properties of it.


Please tell me your comments on this laptop, thanks. =)
That will do you fine for your budget, but have you considered the HP Pavlon DV-6 models? The all have ATI Radeon 5650 graphics cards and some have Intel Core i7 processors. They will perform much better and will last you longer for the future. I am not sure how much they will cost you though.

Otherwise, your choice is good and will fit your budget. The computer specifications are no pushover for the price and if you say the cost there is more expensive than Europe and the USA, you will be in a similar boat to me here in Australia.


Huh ? You guys get the Asus G73Jw for $1500 !!! In here, it's more like $2000-$2500 for the same config.

Sorry for the off-topic comment.
Hello again,
Thanks for your replies! =)

@Klosteral, yeah i checked out Pavilion DV-6 Series. The only difference between them and this laptop is the graphic card and i heard that 5650 has a great performance.Actually i was not sure to buy a DV-6 or G62, the price difference is 130 dollar.

Today i went to the store and asked to the crew about these laptops.The Chef said G62 (has ATI HD 5470) is a low level laptop and told me to forget it. He suggest me Pavilion DV-6 instead of G62.
Then i asked him about any other suggestions, so he suggest me this laptop;

LG A510-UAE13T


This is much faster then Pavilion DV-6, has 1 GB more RAM, got a bigger hard disc capacity, got Bluetooth 3.0 etc. and the graphic card is Nvidia GT 425 M, i heard this card shows the same performance as ATI HD 5650... Got windows 7 home premium and they gonna give me a laptop bag with LG LoL =)

If i push my budget around 260 dollar more, this LG keeps me around 4-5 years, huh?

How about this LG? Is this a giant laptop to keep me for 4-5 years?

Thanks a lot =)

Really? I have actually not seen the G73 for less than $1800 and the average place sells them for $2200.

Anyhow, that laptop looks good for its price, though there is no link to the comparative DV6 so I cannot offer an opinion on that front. The GT425M is a decent card but the ATI 5650M still seems to perform better (as seen here: http://www.notebookcheck.net/Computer-Games-on-Laptop-Graphic-Cards.13849.0.html) but if you can get a good deal on the computer, then you must bring price into it as well. Also, you may wish to consider battery life and weight as items of interest as well as raw performance power.

Finally, do not just rely on us here at the forums. Use almighty Google to find reviews on the laptops you are looking at and see the full opinions of certain people.


Wow I got the G73JH for $900 and it has the ATI 5870...
Hello again,
Thanks for your replies! =)

I think i'm gonna buy a LG. There is two type, the only difference between them;
one of them has got i5-560M 2.66 ghz (with turbo 3.33 Ghz), the other one has i5-460M 2.53 ghz (with turbo 2.88 Ghz) , i was waiting for a discount and both of them are cheap now, the price difference is around 105 dollar...

Which one do you prefer?Is 105 dollar difference is a good deal between this speed difference? Or this speed difference is not worth much as 105 dollar?

Of Course i am investigating many web sites and asking to many people, but i want to know what you think either.I have to make a decision immediately, because the discount is for a short period (a few days)

Thanks... =)
I do not know about that, Maziar. Laptops cannot be upgraded so that 100MHz difference could - *could* - be noticable. Also, the Turbo Boost on the 560M is a good 500MHz faster; quite a noticable difference. Also keep in mind that laptops cannot be upgraded and they tend to cost quite a lot so I would not skimp on anything unless really necessary. I am getting a Sager NP8130 for precisely that reason.

It can't be upgraded but consider the cost.
With $100 more,you'll get a CPU which is by default 100MHz faster(500MHz on turbo).
In Visual basic,Solid works etc. which are the OP's main need,you won't see a noticeable difference.
Even on extremely CPU dependent tasks such as 3DMax,Maya etc. the difference isn't much.
It's still the OP's call though.
Thanks for your replies! =)

I checked out the Sager Klosteral thanks, but i have never heard such a brand before. Because Sager has not got a distributor in Turkey. If i buy sager, cargo expenses + no technical support will be two biggest disadvantages. So Sager is not an option for me.

I made my decision, i will buy LG A510-UAE12T on Saturday. I hope they won't be out of stock till that day.

Thanks all... =)
I bought the machine saturday. It is great! I suggest it to everyone!
I installed Mafia 2 to try the graphic card. I fixed all settings to "High", no problem, everything is fine =)

Thanks all, this was a great choice... =)