I am student and i am buying a new laptop. I want my laptop to be less than 15'' (more portable), and less than 400 euros (as cheap as it gets would be great ? ), because I will use it for internet and mostly office. I found a few models and would be very pleased if you gave me your opinion which one is best.
1. http
/geizhals.de/lenovo-ideapad-flex-2-14d-schwarz-59419788-a1116443.html?hloc=at&hloc=de&hloc=pl&hloc=uk (there is mistake, it has Radeon R4 integrated graphics, not R5; it has AMD A6 6130 CPU and I dont know how it compares to for example Intel core i3-4030U)
2. http
3. http
4. http
/www.computeruniverse.net/products/90567977-55497/acer-aspire-v3-371-53wu.asp (it has SSHD, I dont know how big difference it makes compared to hdd; apart from that, it has the same specs as #3)
(all the links are in german, but you can easily see what specs do laptops have)
thank you
I am student and i am buying a new laptop. I want my laptop to be less than 15'' (more portable), and less than 400 euros (as cheap as it gets would be great ? ), because I will use it for internet and mostly office. I found a few models and would be very pleased if you gave me your opinion which one is best.
1. http

2. http

3. http

4. http

(all the links are in german, but you can easily see what specs do laptops have)
thank you