Looking for drivers working in BeOs 5.0



Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

Hi all... i´m new here. I hope anybody could hep me.. I hate win xp.. it
only gives me probs... each 3 months i must reinstall... (i think internet
it´s involved) so i finally decided install BeOs. I like iit so much, but i
have a prob with da drivers of my novation 25 audio/ extreme... if any1
can help me plz, reply.. thx in advance!! ; )
Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

You realize that the OS has been discontinued and no longer under
development. Maybe the time and money would be spent best on getting
XP to run correctly. Maybe get a firewall so you're not getting virii.
Or get some some anti virus software. Or get an Apple. I haven't
rebooted my work machine in over 68 days



"Pato, Miguel A." <mpatonet@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<1ubWc.102644$r4.2633063@news-reader.eresmas.com>...
> Hi all... i´m new here. I hope anybody could hep me.. I hate win xp.. it
> only gives me probs... each 3 months i must reinstall... (i think internet
> it´s involved) so i finally decided install BeOs. I like iit so much, but i
> have a prob with da drivers of my novation 25 audio/ extreme... if any1
> can help me plz, reply.. thx in advance!! ; )