looking for lightweight os for cheap notebook


Your options are pretty limited.
Linux, of some variant.

Start with LinuxMint. See how it performs.
If too slow, Puppy Linux, maybe.

What are you wanting this laptop (netbook) to do?

Your options are pretty limited.
Linux, of some variant.

Start with LinuxMint. See how it performs.
If too slow, Puppy Linux, maybe.

What are you wanting this laptop (netbook) to do?

kill some time 😛
Personally, i would recommend Linux. If you're not familiar with Linux I would suggest using Linux mint. Linux will run Windows programs with a simple program. Linux can run on almost any laptop with no problems in speed, your average Walmart laptop is really on the edge running Windows 10 and a quick install of Linux will fix it. Now if youd like to run another operating system alongside linux or run linux alongside another OS you can do that by booting with a USB drive or other storage device. If you need some help doing this click on this link for a little guide on running linux on a USB storage device. https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows Hope ived helped you out!