Looking for super light powerhouse laptop


Mar 11, 2009
Hello fellow tom hardwareians

I'm a college student and I'm a competitive gamer and general techie but I often do a lot of traveling about the country and I need myself a powerful but really light laptop so I can compete and game elsewhere away from my lovely desktop.

I was looking into the new sony vaio Z series since I have an old one myself and it can handle some of the games I play though not great.

I play mostly valve games, new and old. But I'd like a laptop that could handle most games at decent enough frame rates to play and enjoy the game.

I haven't found a lot of laptops that are "light" per say, I want 3lbs or less because lets face it, I'm a tiny girl and I travel really light I can't be weighing myself down too much. Any suggestions would be appreciated :)


Check out this laptop. i know you havent posted in a while, but this is a lightweight power house. :) i point my customer to this for a lighter powerful laptop.

What's your max budget? Most light powerhouse laptops are generally expensive so I recommend checking out the Razor Blade 14 inch laptop (http://www.razerzone.com/gaming-systems/razer-blade/) it weights 4.47lbs and it has one of the most impressive technical specs of any ultralight laptop.

However, the price is exorbitant and it will run you atleast $2,199 depending on the SSD storage.

MSI also has an ultralight powerhouse it costs $1,699 and weighs 4.37lbs (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152566). The difference between the Razer and the MSI is mostly the graphics card, which is about a 10-15% performance difference.

Hope this helps :) These are probably the lightest and most powerful gaming laptops in the market!