Looking for the small circuit board containing the USB-3 and DC power port for Yoga 2 Pro


Dec 13, 2017
I appreciate the prompt response! Was not able to get the part number on Lenovo website - after they realized that my laptop was past the warranty period, the parts list link disappeared. Will look at the actual card later today to see if it has a part number.
No, there won't be a part number on the purchase order. You'll have to contact Lenovo tech support and specifically ask for the part number of the power jack mini board assembly. It's unlikely anyplace else will have access to that information unless you can find a youtube video where somebody has replaced that same part, then contact that user and ask if they happened to note the part number while replacing it.


Dec 13, 2017
I actually looked at the circuit board, but no part number. Then I took your suggestion and after three calls to Lenovo support I got Erica Miller who actually knew what I was talking about. She sent me picture of the module she thought I needed and she was right on. It will arrive new Wednesday.
Thanks for your support!