Looking to put an upgrade in my laptop! Need help


Jul 7, 2016
I have an alienware 15R2 laptop with 16Gb of DDR4 RAM, Nvidia GTX 970M graphics card with 3Gb dedicated graphics memory and an Intel Core i7 6700HQ 2.60GHz. Im looking to upgrade it (not get a new laptop but just some stuff inside). I play games that have some hefty system requirements and wanted to get more fps. What would be my best thing to upgrade in my laptop as i feel something in it is lacking? and do you have an suggestions to what i can upgrade to? Thanks in advance!
The problem with the Alienware 15 R2 is that both the CPU and GPU are soldered to the motherboard and aren't replaceable, unless you're willing to replace the motherboard itself. There's also no reason to upgrade the memory since 16GB is plenty. It sucks, but there's not much you can do about it 🙁

Source on CPU/GPU nonupgradability: http://www.gaminglaptopsjunky.com/alienware-15-r2-review-skylake-late-2015/

Now, if you REALLY want to, there are upgrade options for the RAM, like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232190
But 32GB of RAM isn't going to help in gaming, if you do media production it might be useful though.
The problem with the Alienware 15 R2 is that both the CPU and GPU are soldered to the motherboard and aren't replaceable, unless you're willing to replace the motherboard itself. There's also no reason to upgrade the memory since 16GB is plenty. It sucks, but there's not much you can do about it 🙁

Source on CPU/GPU nonupgradability: http://www.gaminglaptopsjunky.com/alienware-15-r2-review-skylake-late-2015/

Now, if you REALLY want to, there are upgrade options for the RAM, like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232190
But 32GB of RAM isn't going to help in gaming, if you do media production it might be useful though.