This is simply a low signal level problem, and will vary with the weather, quality of antenna, etc. Most people have found out that a more expensive amplified antenna is VERY hit or miss, some amplified antenna's make things worse as they amplify the noisy atmosphere we now live in, what with everything being wireless, and the harmonics of all that wireless stuff. About the only fairly certain bet is something you don't want. A big *ssed tower antenna pointing at the stations you want to get. Short of that unsightly solution, Purchasing the local channels by some carrier, or getting lucky with a quality indoor antenna, or as I also am in a fringe area, I bought a amplified antenna and put it outdoors. It has a comb filter that blocks most of the non-TV noise, and amplify's mostly just TV signal. I wish I could give you the brand I got lucky on, but it's been to long to remember. But looking for 1 that specifically says it uses a comb filter is your best gamble. Then put it outside, away from you computer stuff. A friend of mine uses a old style un-amplified set of rabbit ears, and it works! (No such thing as a "Digital TV antenna" despite what the commercials say.)
TV tuners on OLD sets used to be much higher gain, but now they expect people will have a provider. Sorry I could not be more definitive.