Solved! Loud Fan / Malfunctioning Temperature Sensors?


Jan 9, 2017
Sorry for bad information if I give any, I'm a total noob to hardware and such, if you need more specific specs just ask ^^

So suddenly, about a day or 2 ago, my laptop's fan got loud, not extremely loud but its very annoying background noise when I don't have sound playing, the fan is on full blast even when it's idle or at start up. Before now it's always been basically inaudible, even when at full use.

I'm suspecting that the problem might be caused either by malfunctioning temperature sensors due to temperature readings from SpeedFan being ridiculously high -->
Another thing I've noticed is that SpeedFan says I only have 1 fan which I'm not sure is true or not, but the noise seems to be coming only from the left side of my laptop so I assume there are 2 fans and the left side is malfunctioning. (If so, why is SpeedFan only detecting 1....?)

My laptop is an ASUS ROG G46VW gaming laptop, I've been using it for a few years now, would you need more specific specs and/or have recommendations on what to do?

Thanks for the help~
Well while you could be right about the temps not showing up correctly, this can happen with those programs. However, the fan going all at once is not uncommon. Even had it happen to me once. One day things were fine. Next, have a fan spinning way faster than normal and my temps went up immediately. No waiting.

As soon as the fan, and thermal paste, were replaced, poof, no noise and no overheating.

But it is your device and is totally up to you what you do with it. :) Just don't take to long to decide.
Well it is quite normal for speedfan to only register one of the fans. On some computers it may register none of them. Even mentions that on their website. :)

You can try running some of the other monitoring software programs, but I would hazard a guess that those temps are right. If the fan is going, which sound and speed change is common when a fan is breaking down, will often lead to higher temps.

It sounds like you will be needing a new fan (and new thermal paste as well). That would resolve the problem.

Hm that wouldn't explain why 1 fan is breaking down faster then the other, but the temps might be right? Also wouldn't the fan get slowly louder and louder if its breaking down instead of just getting loud one day?

Also its just that I ran SpeedFan about 10 minutes from starting up and in an idle state, so I doubt it would get hot that fast, I also don't think my laptop would be able to withstand temperatures near boiling...? I might just be understating the heat of my laptop but when I feel the bottom of it it's always just comfortably warm at most and nothing else.
It happens. One fan can last way longer than the other. Some people recommend changing both out if one is going, some don't.

I can't 'make' you change out the fan and paste. :) The choice is always yours. Try a few more of the programs and see if the results are similar or not. Just do keep an eye on it as leaving high temps for long can damage other components.
Like I said I'm terrible at this kind of thing so I'd rather not mess around with the hardware as much as possible, so I'd like to try other options. tested temps with HWMoniter

I don't think my laptop is overheating because I've been using it at its current state for 4 days now, if it went up to almost 100 C for as long as Speedfan / HWMoniter says it has my laptop would likely be completely fried, also since the Left fan is constantly blowing at full speed it should cool it pretty efficiently.

However I've tested a few things yesterday, I'm pretty sure these are important clues to help diagnose whats going on

I took off my keyboard before turning on the laptop, manually fanned it, and the left fan still went on full power so it's not a heat problem. (Right fan turned on too, but much slower)

(Few other notes)
When I started the laptop with the keyboard off I opened Speedfan and it read ~56C, (Almost 30C over current room temp where it's been sitting for 2 hours), it stayed that way for about 10 seconds when I was manually fanning it, and then the fan went crazy again. So likely not affected by temperature?

Fan goes to full power 30 seconds or so after startup.

Right fan seems completely normal

My guess right now is its a mixture of bad temp readings / fan settings that got messed up some how? Like I said before if a fan is breaking down wouldn't it get slowly louder and louder instead of all at once? the settings getting messed up somehow explains it much better
Well while you could be right about the temps not showing up correctly, this can happen with those programs. However, the fan going all at once is not uncommon. Even had it happen to me once. One day things were fine. Next, have a fan spinning way faster than normal and my temps went up immediately. No waiting.

As soon as the fan, and thermal paste, were replaced, poof, no noise and no overheating.

But it is your device and is totally up to you what you do with it. :) Just don't take to long to decide.