Low audio levels in Dxtory?


Jan 5, 2016
I've been experiencing low audio output from Dxtory recordings, I'm not sure if it's always been like this or if it's a recent occurrence. This is more about my microphone than the game volume but game volume output also seems to be low.

Here's a side by side comparison of the exact same source recorded with both dxtory and reaper at the same time. The top waveform is the output of my microphone from reaper and the bottom is dxtory's.


If you look at the peak difference it seems like dxtory is limiting the audio by 6-8 decibels or so. Is this intended or happening to anyone else?

Here's my dxtory audio page:

I am not an audio expert but I do have a question to maybe help clear this up a bit. What is you sound output device (sound card), what are you using to record and what is your input device?

I don;t see why anything would cause a lower output short of settings or a specific codec being used compared to the original, maybe some sort of compression.

I'm using the Scarlett 2i2 for both input and ouput and Dxtory is what I'm using to record. You can see the audio format I'm recording to in the audio page screenshot I provided.