low gaming performance


Oct 8, 2014
i have a dell inspiron 15 r i5-4th gen 6gb ram 2 gb amd raedon. the core problem is games don't work on my laptop even though the laptop is in high performance mode,plugged in.but other laptops with lower configurations are doing fine (ex:i4 3rd gen 4gb ram integrated graphic card).the reason i took a 6GB ram is to accommodate games and it fails to do the only thing i want.i have contacted tech support,i have re-installed the OS once,they advise on updating drivers,removing temporary files etc...but nothing has worked so far.

and also this while contacting dell tech support the pre-boot diagnostics take 18-20 minutes,which twice the tech agents were admitting that it was taking taking too much time but finally after a long wait no errors are shown.


diagnostics does not show any error and bios is updated.ya other programs run normally.

What games are you playing

sniper elite 2,assasins creed 4 etc



i have updated the drivers from dell website.it is right from start,but i managed playing assasins creed but others they lag very much.i forgot to mention,apart from this i use ready boost (4gb) every time i play.


try AMD drivers from amd's website (let it do an automatic scan of your system) and unplug the readyboost it could be trying to cash your games you dont need it with 6gb of ram

i have tried latest versions of amd drivers (normal and beta also),but it only made things worse,like only screen goes blank when i sleep the laptop,dosent shut down properly(screen goes blank but leds keep on blinking)...
can you please advise how to go further.shall i revert back to my old drivers or do some thing else??