Maine Considering Cell Phone Cancer Warning

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Feb 9, 2008
Wouldn't it make more sense to put it on the pack, like with cigarettes? I wouldn't want my expensive phone to have an ugly 'cancer warning' sticker on it.


Jan 17, 2008
[citation][nom]demonhorde665[/nom]LOL and people say us texans (and other southerners ) are a bunch of brainless yokels LOL ... funniest thing i read all day .[/citation]

You are if you really believe cell phones don't have any adverse effects. While I do think it would take some very heavy usage to cause said effects, common sense tells me that heavy usage of such devices can't be great either. It's like the people back in the 30's-50's saying " I didn't know smoking was bad for me". Really? not once did you think inhaling smoke was at least a little unhealthy.

It may not be real bad, but, it may not be the best thing either....


Dec 24, 2006
I have a question.... how does that headset or external ear piece transmit sound without electromagnetic radiation?


Nov 3, 2009
[citation][nom]nh484000[/nom]I have a question.... how does that headset or external ear piece transmit sound without electromagnetic radiation?[/citation]

Don't take my word on it, but I believe electromagnetic radiation's intensity decreases enormously with distance (is that called a logarithmic scale in english? excuse me, it's only a third language for me :p), so just the fact the source is a few inches further away massively reduces the impact.


Apr 17, 2008
Ugh, at least this is just a single misguided elected official, and it does have more scientific basis (if only barely) than those crazies trying to force "Intelligent design" to be taught in schools.

Still, you can't put a warning on something that it has been "linked" to something it hasn't actually been linked to scientifically. Candy has been linked to cavities, should we put warnings on every piece of candy? It would be like stamping a warning on every man's right hand (or left) stating that masturbation has been linked to blindness.


Jan 17, 2008
[citation][nom]lowguppy[/nom] It would be like stamping a warning on every man's right hand (or left) stating that masturbation has been linked to blindness.[/citation]

Just stamp lotion bottles and tissue boxes, no hand stamp required :)


Nov 2, 2009
[citation][nom]lowguppy[/nom] It would be like stamping a warning on every man's right hand (or left) stating that masturbation has been linked to blindness.[/citation]



Sep 7, 2009
[citation][nom]milktea[/nom]That's why I perfer not to pick up my cell when someone calls. *haha*[/citation]

I'll go with this solution, much better!

[nom]lowguppy[/nom]It would be like stamping a warning on every man's right hand (or left) stating that masturbation has been linked to blindness.[/citation]

You, sir (... Could be a madam, though), get a +1.


Apr 10, 2008
[citation][nom]nawat[/nom]Correlation doesn't imply causation...[/citation]
And, more importantly, there isn't even a correlation yet to imply it. Just wild speculation because phones emit "radiation". Alas, a lot of people don't realise that, well, so does a lightbulb, any electronic device, the sun, etc. Intensity and wavelength are the real consideration, and, I have a feeling that mobile phones don't qualify at dangerous levels for either if not held next to the head for too long.


Sep 12, 2009
Any physicist can tell you the idea that radio waves can give you cancer is BS. If there was any truth whatsoever to it, people who work with or operate radar towers would be getting cancer all the time. They don't. The strength of the radio waves standing next to a radar tower far exceeds that of a cell phone even less than a inch from your brain. People work 40+ hours a week, 365 around radar towers. Technicians who work around power transformers for power companies are exposed to massive levels of electromagnetic radiation, yet we still don't see a higher cancer rate among those workers. There is a health concern with large amount of electromagnetic radiation exposure, but that only applies towards breeding and the offspring. Seriously, don't have sex underneath high voltage transmissions lines.

Electromagnetic radiation =/= ionizing radiation, there is a huge difference here. Or better yet, all ionizing radiation is electromagnetic but not all electromagnetic radiation is ionizing. This is why microwaves don't kill you.


After being exposed to electromagnetic fields that are typical for mobile phones, the cells showed a significant increase in single and double-strand DNA breaks. The damage could not always be repaired by the cell. DNA carries the genetic material of an organism and its different cells.

"There was remaining damage for future generation of cells," said project leader Franz Adlkofer.

This means the change had procreated. Mutated cells are seen as a possible cause of cancer.

Adlkofer advised against the use of a mobile phone when an alternative fixed line phone was available, and recommended the use of a headset connected to a cellphone whenever possible.

"We don't want to create a panic, but it is good to take precautions," he said, adding that additional research could take another four or five years. [/qoute]
Now this is just one study and imagine how may study's the cell phone company's have funded to disprove these findings. It not being disproved should give you cause for concern.

I would think the politician's here are looking at brain cancer deaths of cell phone users. All study's aside how many have died of brain cancer and used cell phones over the past 5 years? I would say for sure radiation is bad for the body.

The four-year Reflex study, co-ordinated by the German research group Verum, studied the effects of radiation on animal and human cells in a laboratory.

They found that, after being exposed to electromagnetic fields, the cells showed a significant increase in DNA damage which could not always be repaired by the cell. Damage was also seen in the next generation of cells. Mutated cells are seen as a possible cause of cancer.

The study, which has not been published in a journal, also reported other harmful effects on cells.
A new study from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) warns that many of the new internet phones bombard your brain with dangerous electromagnetic waves.1

These waves penetrate your skull and can double your risk of a brain tumor.2

Back in 2003, the Food and Drug Administration assured us that cell phones do not cause brain cancer. Unfortunately, they based their study on only three years of cell phone use.

But if you use a cell phone for a decade or more, your risk goes up. Researchers in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom discovered that people who used cell phones for more than 10 years had a significantly higher risk of developing brain tumors.


After being exposed to electromagnetic fields that are typical for mobile phones, the cells showed a significant increase in single and double-strand DNA breaks. The damage could not always be repaired by the cell. DNA carries the genetic material of an organism and its different cells.

"There was remaining damage for future generation of cells," said project leader Franz Adlkofer.

This means the change had procreated. Mutated cells are seen as a possible cause of cancer.

Adlkofer advised against the use of a mobile phone when an alternative fixed line phone was available, and recommended the use of a headset connected to a cellphone whenever possible.

"We don't want to create a panic, but it is good to take precautions," he said, adding that additional research could take another four or five years. [/qoute]
Now this is just one study and imagine how may study's the cell phone company's have funded to disprove these findings. It not being disproved should give you cause for concern.

I would think the politician's here are looking at brain cancer deaths of cell phone users. All study's aside how many have died of brain cancer and used cell phones over the past 5 years? I would say for sure radiation is bad for the body.

The four-year Reflex study, co-ordinated by the German research group Verum, studied the effects of radiation on animal and human cells in a laboratory.

They found that, after being exposed to electromagnetic fields, the cells showed a significant increase in DNA damage which could not always be repaired by the cell. Damage was also seen in the next generation of cells. Mutated cells are seen as a possible cause of cancer.

The study, which has not been published in a journal, also reported other harmful effects on cells.
A new study from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) warns that many of the new internet phones bombard your brain with dangerous electromagnetic waves.1

These waves penetrate your skull and can double your risk of a brain tumor.2

Back in 2003, the Food and Drug Administration assured us that cell phones do not cause brain cancer. Unfortunately, they based their study on only three years of cell phone use.

But if you use a cell phone for a decade or more, your risk goes up. Researchers in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom discovered that people who used cell phones for more than 10 years had a significantly higher risk of developing brain tumors.


May 29, 2008
I want a label on Maple Syrup that says "warning, this product may sexually molest you and your children as you sleep at night". I have no actual proof this is happening, but it's always better to be safe then sorry. See if Maine's rep thinks that's a good idea or not.
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